The Revolutionary Phenotype
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  • The Revolutionary Phenotype
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The Revolutionary Phenotype

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ID товара422927
Код товара9621657
Издательство Élora Éditions
ЖанрБиологические науки
Год издания2018
Кол-во страниц140
Тип обложкиМягкая
Вес, г233
Возрастные ограничения-
Автор: Gariépy Jean-François, «The Revolutionary Phenotype»:

The Revolutionary Phenotype is a science book that brings us four billion years into the past, when the first living molecules showed up on Planet Earth. Unlike what was previously thought, we learn that DNA-based life did not emerge from random events in a primordial soup. Indeed, the first molecules of DNA were fabricated by a previous life form. By describing the fascinating events referred to as Phenotypic Revolutions, this book provides a dire warning to humanity: if humans continue to play with their own genes, we will be the next life form to fall to our own creation.

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