Read, Reason, Write. Eingth edition
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  • Read, Reason, Write. Eingth edition

Read, Reason, Write. Eingth edition

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ID товара48460
Код товара3368320
Издательство McGraw-Hill
Год издания2008
Кол-во страниц770
Тип обложкиМягкая
Вес, г1204
Возрастные ограничения16+
Автор: Dorothy U. Seyler, «Read, Reason, Write. Eingth edition»: I have written in previous prefaces to Read, Reason, Write that being asked to prepare a new edition is much like being asked back to a friend's house: Although you count on it, you are still delighted when the invitation comes. Well, the seventh edition kept old friendships and made new ones as well, so here I am, writing a preface to the eighth edition, more than twenty years after first presenting this text to college students and their instructors. Over these years, Read, Reason, Write has grown in size—most books have—but also in stature within the teaching community and in its value to students. Of course, neither this text nor I am getting older, only better, as this eighth edition demonstrates! Although some important new material strengthens the eighth edition, the essential character of Read, Reason, Write remains the same. This text still combines instruction in critical reading and analysis, argument, and research strategies with a rich collection of readings providing practice for these skills and new ideas and insights for readers. A key purpose of Read, Reason, Write remains to help students develop into better writers of the kinds of papers they are most often required to write, both in college and in the workplace: summaries, analyses, reports, arguments, and documented essays. To fulfill this key purpose, the text must do more than provide instruction and opportunities for practice; the text must demonstrate to student writers that these seemingly disparate skills connect in important ways. Read, Reason, Write remains a new kind of text because it shows students the interrelatedness of reading, analytic, argumentative, and research skills and seeks, in connecting these skills, always to extend each student's critical thinking ability.
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